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Stability analysis on Tingzikou gravity dam along deep-seated weak planes during earthquake

Weiping HE, Yunlong HE

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第1期   页码 69-75 doi: 10.1007/s11709-012-0146-x

摘要: The stability of a gravity dam against sliding along deep-seated weak planes is a universal and important problem encountered in the construction of dams. There is no recommended method for stability analysis of the dam on deep-seated weak planes under earthquake condition in Chinese design codes. Taking Tingzikou dam as an example, the research in this paper is focused on searching a proper way to evaluate the seismic safety of the dam against sliding along deep-seated weak planes and the probable failure modes of dam on deep-seated weak planes during earthquake. It is concluded that there are two probable failure modes of the dam along the main weak geological planes in the foundation. In the first mode, the concrete tooth under the dam will be cut and then the dam together with part foundation will slide along the muddy layer; in the second mode, the dam together with part foundation will slide along the path consist of the weak rock layer under the tooth and the muddy layer downstream the tooth. While there is no geological structure planes to form the second slip surface, the intersection of the main and the second slip surface is 40 to 80 m downstream from dam toe, and the angle between the second slip surface and the horizontal plane probably be 25 to 45 degrees.

关键词: gravity dam     deep-seated weak planes     stability against sliding     earthquake    

Evaluation of seismic reliability of gravity dam-reservoir-inhomogeneous foundation coupled system

Hamid Taghavi GANJI, Mohammad ALEMBAGHERI, Mohammad Houshmand KHANEGHAHI

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第3期   页码 701-715 doi: 10.1007/s11709-018-0507-1

摘要: The seismic performance of gravity dam-reservoir-foundation coupled system is investigated utilizing probabilistic approach. In this research, the uncertainties associated with modeling parameters are incorporated in nonlinear response history simulations to realistically quantify their effects on the seismic performance of the system. The methodology is applied to Pine Flat gravity dam and the foundation is considered to be inhomogeneous assuming a constant spatial geometry but with various rock material properties. The sources of uncertainty are taken into account in the reliability analysis using Latin Hypercube Sampling procedure. The effects of the deconvolution process, number of samples, and foundation inhomogeneity are investigated.

关键词: gravity dams     dam-reservoir-foundation interaction     seismic reliability     inhomogeneous foundation     earthquake deconvolution    

Hazard potential of zones of weakness in gravity dams under impact loading conditions


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第1期   页码 90-97 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0008-3

摘要: Dam constructions worldwide are designed and constructed in view of the strictest safety aspects for all static and dynamic load cases. As experience shows, however, formation of cracks in the “homogeneos concrete” as well as unsatisfactory compound behavior of lift joints are not to be excluded. These zones of weakness especially on the upstream side of the dam— exposed to high water pressure (static and dynamic)— represent an increased risk of safety. The main investigation, apart from the computation of the dynamic effects on the dam as a global structure, focuses on the stability analysis of a pressure-water filled crack configuration subjected to “dynamic loading” in the form of seismic action on the dam-reservoir-system and alternatively by “impact spot-loading” within sectors of the reservoir. A fracture mechanics based analysis shows an excessive potential of damage for the afflicted structure.

关键词: dam-reservoir     earthquake     impact     cracking     fracture mechanics    



《中国工程科学》 2000年 第2卷 第12期   页码 84-89



关键词: 水力发电     高坝     重力坝     拱坝     碾压混凝土坝     面板堆石坝    

Several issues to be considered for long-term better behavior of concrete gravity dams

Jinsheng JIA,

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第1期   页码 40-46 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0006-5

摘要: Along with economic, social quick development and urbanization, dams and reservoirs are of strategic importance for flood control, water supply, electricity production, irrigation, etc., both for developed countries and for developing countries. Climate change is a new challenging issue to be considered which will speed up the development of hydropower in developing countries. More and more attention will be paid on the long-term better behavior of dams to guarantee the safety of the people involved and the better development of the world. There are about 50000 old dams in the world and a lot of them have been completed and operated for more than 50 years. However, how do we evaluate the dams’ safety? How do we make the decision to do rehabilitation work or to rebuild a new dam based on evaluation results? The life span and the real safety status of old dams becomes a challenging task for the dam society, especially for China because it has more than 6000 dams to be evaluated and rehabilitated within the next few years. Based on the investigation of the Fengman gravity dam, which is 91.7 m high, operated since 1943 and suffered uplift pressure, freeze and thaw problems, etc., discussions on the life span evaluation of old concrete gravity dams have been made. The reasonable coefficient of dam safety has been discussed. The social decision for the final choice after comprehensive studies has been introduced.

关键词: dam safety     economic life span     structural life span     environmental life span     rehabilitation     social decision    



《中国工程科学》 2007年 第9卷 第3期   页码 11-20


雅砻江普斯罗坝址在工程勘探过程中,发现了深部裂缝带,裂缝带位于100~200m深处,与地表有 巨厚的完整岩体相隔,产状与该区的一组NE向断裂基本一致;断层物质的最新形成年龄为2畅7~9万年,裂缝 面上有水平、斜向和上下擦痕,表明深部裂缝带可能是断裂带新活动的结果。断裂新活动所产生的地震波,受 到疏松破碎带的阻挡,导致深部裂缝带出现。这一成因机制,在地下核爆炸和岩石动力学的试验观测中有所证实。

关键词: 雅砻江普斯罗坝址     深部裂缝带     卸荷和重力滑塌     活断层    



《工程(英文)》 2016年 第2卷 第3期   页码 340-349 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2016.03.006



关键词: 三峡     大孔口重力坝     坝后背管     变顶高尾水洞     稳定拱     全衬砌船闸    

High-gravity intensified iron-carbon micro-electrolysis for degradation of dinitrotoluene

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第10期   页码 1595-1605 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2204-9

摘要: The application of iron–carbon (Fe–C) micro-electrolysis to wastewater treatment is limited by the passivation potential of the Fe–C packing. In order to address this problem, high-gravity intensified Fe–C micro-electrolysis was proposed in this study for degradation of dinitrotoluene wastewater in a rotating packed bed (RPB) using commercial Fe–C particles as the packing. The effects of reaction time, high-gravity factor, liquid flow rate and initial solution pH were investigated. The degradation intermediates were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and the possible degradation pathways of nitro compounds by Fe–C micro-electrolysis in RPB were also proposed. It is found that under optimal conditions, the removal rate of nitro compounds reaches 68.4% at 100 min. The removal rate is maintained at approximately 68% after 4 cycles in RPB, but it is decreased substantially from 57.9% to 36.8% in a stirred tank reactor. This is because RPB can increase the specific surface area and the renewal of the liquid–solid interface, and as a result the degradation efficiency of Fe–C micro-electrolysis is improved and the active sites on the Fe–C surface can be regenerated for continuous use. In conclusion, high-gravity intensified Fe–C micro-electrolysis can weaken the passivation of Fe–C particles and extend their service life.

关键词: high-gravity technology     rotating packed bed     Fe–C micro-electrolysis     dinitrotoluene wastewater     active sites    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第7期   页码 23-28



关键词: 卫星重力梯度测量     卫星重力梯度边值问题     地球重力场模型     大地水准面    

Long-term dam safety monitoring of Punt dal Gall arch dam in Switzerland


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第1期   页码 76-83 doi: 10.1007/s11709-012-0144-z

摘要: The 130 m high Punt dal Gall dam is located at the Swiss-Italian border in the South-eastern part of Switzerland and was completed in 1969. The dam is founded on highly folded and partially crushed dolomite and limestone formations. A grout curtain with an area of 120,000 m was provided for controlling seepage. For the monitoring of the dam deformations five inverted pendulums were installed in the dam and three in the rock foundation of the right abutment outside of the dam. For a seasonal water level fluctuation in the reservoir of about 60 m the maximum amplitude of the radial displacement is 25 mm, which includes both the effects of the water load and temperature effects. Furthermore a comprehensive geodetic network was established, 57 joint meters were installed and cracks in the crest gallery are monitored by crack meters. There are also thermometers, piezometers and rocmeters. Springs at the left and right banks of the dam are monitored and chemical analyses of the seepage water and springs are performed regularly. The dam is equipped with strong motion instruments and several near-field earthquakes have been recorded in the past. The paper describes the long-term safety monitoring of this 42 years old arch dam. A short description of the Swiss practice in dam safety monitoring and emergency planning is also given.

关键词: dam safety concept     arch dam     dam instrumentation     dam safety monitoring    

Features of seismic hazard in large dam projects and strong motion monitoring of large dams


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第1期   页码 56-64 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0005-6

摘要: Earthquakes can affect large dam projects in many different ways. Usually, design engineers are focussing on ground shaking and neglect the other aspects. The May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake has damaged 1803 dams and reservoirs, and 403 hydropower plants with an installed capacity of 3.3GW. Among these dams were the 132-m-high Shapai RCC arch dam and the 156-m-high Zipingpu concrete face rockfill dam. These recently completed dams are dam types which, up to now, have not experienced strong ground shaking. The widespread mass movements have caused substantial damage to dams and surface powerhouses in Sichuan. The different features of earthquake hazard are presented, i.e., ground shaking, faulting and mass movements. It is proposed to prepare project-specific safety plans for all dams, which consist of a matrix where the possible hazards and the corresponding countermeasures are listed. The earthquake behaviors of the Sefid Rud, Zipingpu and Shapai dams, which, in the past, have experienced strong ground shaking from nearby earthquakes, are discussed. Finally, the need for strong motion instrumentation of large dams is discussed. It is proposed that major dams with large damage potential, dams located in areas of high seismicity, and dams showing signs of abnormal behavior be equipped with strong motion instruments.

关键词: seismic hazard     arch dam     concrete face rockfill dam     strong motion instrumentation     reservoir-triggered seismicity     Wenchuan earthquake    

A comprehensive simulation approach for pollutant bio-transformation in the gravity sewer

Nan Zhao, Huu Hao Ngo, Yuyou Li, Xiaochang Wang, Lei Yang, Pengkang Jin, Guangxi Sun

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1144-1


A comprehensive pollutant transformation model for sewer systems is established.

The model comprises fermentation, sulfate reduction and ammonification processes.

Biochemical reactions related to distinct carbon sources are depicted in the model.

Pollutant transformation is attributed to different biochemical reaction processes.

关键词: Gravity sewer     Modeling     Pollutant transformation     Biochemical reaction process    

Key problems and solutions in arch dam heightening

Zuoguang FU, Yunlong HE, Sheng SU

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第1期   页码 98-104 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0004-7

摘要: The dam heightening, which is an effective way to increase reservoir volume, has been paid close attention by engineers. Three problems should be dealt with when an arch dam needs to be heightened: stress state getting worse at dam heel, cracking on new added concrete dam surface, and weak bonding between new added concrete and old dam. Taking Geba arch dam as an example, these problems are examined in details through simulation analysis by the finite element method. The tensile stresses on dam’s surface and joint face that have certain relations to the dam heightening can be controlled by some measures.

关键词: arch dam     heighten     tensile stress     finite element method    

Influence of soft rock-fill material as dam embankment with central bituminous concrete membrane


《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第1期   页码 63-70 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0016-3

摘要: This paper demonstrates the difficulties in determining the relevant material parameters for a valuation of the deformation behavior of the up- and downstream dam shell by means of an embankment dam of medium height. Laboratory as well as field tests on solid rock-fill material were performed before the beginning of construction. During the construction the properties of the available rock-fill changed from solid to soft materials. This gave rise to the necessity of adjusting the dam design of the downstream dam shoulder. Several times higher dam settlements as well as significant differential settlements between the up- and downstream dam shell were observed during construction and operation. Apart from this situation, the dam has been operated for nearly 20 years and the behavior of the water barrier has been very good.

关键词: embankment dam     bituminous concrete membrane     rock-fill material properties     deformation behavior    

mechanism of nitrobenzene degradation by hydroxyl radicals-based ozonation process enhanced by high gravity

Weizhou Jiao, Shengjuan Shao, Peizhen Yang, Kechang Gao, Youzhi Liu

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期   页码 1197-1205 doi: 10.1007/s11705-020-1998-6

摘要: This study investigated the indirect oxidation of nitrobenzene (NB) by hydroxyl radicals (·OH) in a rotating packed bed (RPB) using competitive kinetics method with -nitrochlorobenzene as a reference compound. The rate constants of NB with ·OH are calculated to be between (1.465±0.113) × 10 L/(mol·s) and (2.497±0.192) × 10 L/(mol·s). The experimental data are fitted by the modified Arrhenius equation, where the activation energy is 4877.74 J/mol, the order of NB concentration, rotation speed, and initial pH is 0.2425, 0.1400 and 0.0167, respectively. The ozonation process of NB could be enhanced by RPB, which is especially effective for highly concentrated NB-containing wastewater under alkaline conditions. The high gravity technology can accelerate ozone mass transfer and self-decomposition of ozone to produce more ·OH, resulting in an increase in the indirect oxidation rate of NB by ·OH and consequently effective degradation of NB in wastewater.

关键词: high gravity technology     hydroxyl radicals     nitrobenzene     reaction kinetics    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Stability analysis on Tingzikou gravity dam along deep-seated weak planes during earthquake

Weiping HE, Yunlong HE


Evaluation of seismic reliability of gravity dam-reservoir-inhomogeneous foundation coupled system

Hamid Taghavi GANJI, Mohammad ALEMBAGHERI, Mohammad Houshmand KHANEGHAHI


Hazard potential of zones of weakness in gravity dams under impact loading conditions






Several issues to be considered for long-term better behavior of concrete gravity dams

Jinsheng JIA,








High-gravity intensified iron-carbon micro-electrolysis for degradation of dinitrotoluene





Long-term dam safety monitoring of Punt dal Gall arch dam in Switzerland



Features of seismic hazard in large dam projects and strong motion monitoring of large dams



A comprehensive simulation approach for pollutant bio-transformation in the gravity sewer

Nan Zhao, Huu Hao Ngo, Yuyou Li, Xiaochang Wang, Lei Yang, Pengkang Jin, Guangxi Sun


Key problems and solutions in arch dam heightening

Zuoguang FU, Yunlong HE, Sheng SU


Influence of soft rock-fill material as dam embankment with central bituminous concrete membrane



mechanism of nitrobenzene degradation by hydroxyl radicals-based ozonation process enhanced by high gravity

Weizhou Jiao, Shengjuan Shao, Peizhen Yang, Kechang Gao, Youzhi Liu
